CrossFit WODs, Weightlifting Routines, & More

Monday 2018.01.22

Monday 2018.01.22
Time to show off those speed rope skills!  The key is patience through the double-unders and pacing through the bodyweight movements.  Try to stick with dubs, but if you don't have the skill work down yet, do 3x single-unders.  As always, the goal is to keep moving until you finish!  Scale as need

Monday 2017.12.11

Monday 2017.12.11
A deceptively simple WOD that can light your upper body and breathing up quick!  Pacing is important to control your energy levels.  Continuous movement is important and always focus on intensity.  Advanced athletes should aim for 5+ rounds.

Wednesday 2017.11.15

Wednesday 2017.11.15
You better like rowing!  This can be taken as a sprint or as a great recovery WOD.  Scale the pushups and dips if you're aiming for primarily recovery.  Finishing with 50 wall balls offers a nice burnout at the end.   

Friday 2017.10.13 - "Lucky 13"

Friday 2017.10.13 - "Lucky 13"

Happy Friday the 13th!  Celebrate the superstition with a CrossFit WOD.  "Lucky 13" features 13 reps of 13 movements for 3 rounds.  Pace yourself to keep moving but finish all 3 rounds withing 20-30 minutes.  Scale options include lighter weights or easier variations of the bodyweight movements.  If you're really speedy, try to finish it in under 13 minutes!  

Credit: CrossFit Havoc