CrossFit WODs, Weightlifting Routines, & More

Monday 2017.12.11

Monday 2017.12.11
A deceptively simple WOD that can light your upper body and breathing up quick!  Pacing is important to control your energy levels.  Continuous movement is important and always focus on intensity.  Advanced athletes should aim for 5+ rounds.

Thursday 2017.10.26

Thursday 2017.10.26
This one's for the squat booty!  A quick WOD, perfect for after a strength session or skill work.  These three movements target a full-body workout, hitting most of your muscle groups.  Squat cleans can be scaled to power cleans plus front squats for one rep.  Advanced athletes should aim for 4+ rounds.

Saturday 2017.10.07

Saturday 2017.10.07
This is a grind of a partner WOD.  The movements are built in a ladder, with increasing reps but decreasing weight on the thrusters.  Weights start out heavy but decrease overtime as workload increases.  Split the workload up 50/50 or according to you and your partner's strengths.