The Cult of CrossFit is in Community: The Desire to Belong

Together we are Stronger

There are more CrossFit gyms in the world than Starbucks in the US.

Let that sink in a moment.

CrossFit began its monumental growth in 2000, soaring to over 13,000 locations in 2017. The cult-like fanaticism of its followers has led it to become the most dominant fitness trend of all time.

Why has CrossFit been so successful?

Beyond the tremendous health benefits of the workouts, nutrition, or lifestyle philosophy, it has captured an element of society that has long been disappearing. CrossFit instills a sense of community and social belonging in its members.

Communities are Disappearing

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane (for some of us). Churches were the heart of families and communities for centuries. They would bring families and communities together in celebration, fellowship, and supporting one another in hard times.

Now in the 2000’s, we don’t have the same troubles our ancestors once had, and there’s never been a better time for freedom of speech, global connectedness via the internet, and ability to choose where we live.

As a result, our connections have grown broader, yet research shows they are shallower than ever:


Communities are disappearing and leaving us lonely

Welcome to the Matrix

Today’s quick and easy access to devices and the internet has led to an explosion in how much easier it is to connect, and yet has left us feeling lonelier and more disconnected than ever. Despite the hundreds of hours Americans spend on social media, the divide in real life has only grown larger.

People are lonelier, less engaged, and less active than ever before. Even in fitness, people are more likely to plug in some headphones and jump on the treadmill than grab a buddy for a nice run under the sun.


Is there a Red Pill? (Matrix fans enjoy)

Community is the Solution

As Churches and garage sales fade, people still have that same desire for connectedness and community. That kind of connection that can’t be achieved through Facebook likes alone.


This would be easier with a friend

Adolescents and adults may turn to traditional gyms or recreational sporting events. The large franchise gyms might give you a warm welcome tour, have some familiar faces, maybe even an occasional spot buddy or two. But, unless you’re very outgoing, it’s difficult to turn strangers into friends or feel like you’re part of something bigger than yourself. People are still left glued to treadmill televisions, iPods, and noise-cancelling headphones.

What makes CrossFit Special?

CrossFit offers a completely different experience. Boxes are communities and families. The owners and coaches are spouses, siblings, and best friends. They have community roots and they welcome members warmly into their circle.

WODs may be individually scored, but they are completed with team spirit and group effort. The advanced athletes always rush to cheer on the rest of their class. When you’ve got a squad of people screaming at you to finish a set of rope climbs, you’ll be amazed to learn how much more you have left in the tank.


Birthdays, newborns, and holidays are all celebrated together. Everyone knows when you reach a new PR. Your box mates hold you accountable to missing a class and showing up on time.

Sound like a family? CrossFit combines the best of fitness with the healthy atmosphere of a community.

Join the CrossFit Community

With over 17,000 affiliates world-wide, there’s a likely a CrossFit Box within 20 minutes of your home.



When you sign-up for a membership, you’re buying into an experience and a fitness family. You receive the expertise of trained, athletic coaches, access to state-of-the-art equipment and exercise programming, and most of all, entrance into a vast community of fitness fanatics.

CrossFit is growing larger each year. It’s helping people fall back in love with fitness with the help of a supportive and nurturing community.

Have you found your tribe?

WOD Fever

Motivation. Information. Preparation.

We want to make every WOD your best WOD.  

WOD Fever represents CrossFit athletes, weightlifters, bodybuilders, and anyone who has a "workout of the day".  Join our community and follow us for more WOD BOD Interviews, fitness news, training tips, and deals on gear.  

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    I was in a situation that I never thought I’d find myself in. My wife and I had been together for five years, and I had noticed some changes in her behavior lately. She was distant, secretive, and always had her phone glued to her hand. I tried talking to her, but she’d just brush me off, saying it was work stress. I knew deep down it was more than that. I couldn’t just ignore the gut feeling that something was off.

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    What they uncovered was like a punch in the gut. My wife had been fooling around with a coworker, someone she claimed was just a friend. They had planned vacation trips together, all under the guise of work. The nerve of her. But here’s the kicker – she had been using our joint account to fund these little escapades. The betrayal was unreal.

    The confrontation was hard, but with the solid proof in my hand, I couldn’t deny the truth anymore. It was a mix of anger, sadness, and relief, really. I finally had the answers I needed to move forward. And even though it’s been a tough road, I’m starting to pick up the pieces of my life, thanks to Grayhathacks Contractor.

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    The impact of Fast Swift Cyber Services efforts extended far beyond mere financial recovery; they exemplified the resilience of the human spirit when faced with adversity. Their actions provided not just a lifeline for those victimized by digital predators but also a fragile beacon of hope in an often dark and punishing landscape. Reflecting on my experience with Fast Swift Cyber Services fills me with deep gratitude and respect. Their unwavering resolve and unmatched expertise have not only restored my financial standing but reinvigorated my faith in humanity. They have reminded me of the power of perseverance—even in the face of overwhelming challenges. To anyone finding themselves ensnared in a web of digital deceit, I wholeheartedly offer this endorsement: With Fast Swift Cyber Services by your side, no obstacle is insurmountable and no loss irreversible. In an uncertain world, they stand as a fortress of integrity and justice, illuminating the path toward recovery for all searching for relief from adversity. For those seeking assistance, reach out to them—you won’t be disappointed.


    Email: fastswift @ cyberservices . com
    Telephone: +1 970-900-0938
    WhatsApp: +1 401 219-5530

    emilia hannah
  • In the fast-paced and often treacherous realm of the digital age, where promises of swift riches and effortless profits frequently mask insidious deception, I found myself trapped in a web of fraud after encountering Fast Swift Cyber Services —a true beacon of hope amidst the chaos of deceitful schemes. My odyssey with Fast Swift Cyber Services began painfully, following a staggering loss of 420,000 that resulted from an encounter with a con artist posing as a crypto investment expert. Captivated by alluring promises of immense returns and financial security for my future, I unwittingly relinquished access to my financial accounts, only to watch helplessly as my savings were mercilessly siphoned away. As the harsh reality of my situation hit me, I embarked on a desperate search for justice. I filed numerous police reports, but the slow grind of bureaucracy offered little comfort in the face of my escalating despair. It felt as though my hard-earned money had vanished into the abyss of online fraud, leaving me bereft of hope—until my vigilant granddaughter introduced me to Fast Swift Cyber Services.

    Fast Swift Cyber Services quickly emerged as a symbol of expertise and integrity in the perilous landscape of Fast Swift Cyber Services. With a remarkable combination of technical skill and steadfast commitment, they took on the daunting challenge of recovering my stolen assets. From our first interaction, their professionalism and empathy shone bright as they patiently guided me through the complex and often intimidating process of asset recovery. Their profound knowledge illuminated the intricacies of the deceit that engulfed me, as they methodically dismantled the web of fraud with precision. The journey was fraught with challenges as we maneuvered through the murky waters of Fast Swift Cyber Services. However, Fast Swift Cyber Services ’s determination never wavered; they tirelessly fought to regain what had been unjustly taken from me. With each painstaking step, I watched in amazement as my lost funds began to reappear, piece by piece, reminiscent of a shattered mosaic being painstakingly rebuilt.

    The impact of Fast Swift Cyber Services efforts extended far beyond mere financial recovery; they exemplified the resilience of the human spirit when faced with adversity. Their actions provided not just a lifeline for those victimized by digital predators but also a fragile beacon of hope in an often dark and punishing landscape. Reflecting on my experience with Fast Swift Cyber Services fills me with deep gratitude and respect. Their unwavering resolve and unmatched expertise have not only restored my financial standing but reinvigorated my faith in humanity. They have reminded me of the power of perseverance—even in the face of overwhelming challenges. To anyone finding themselves ensnared in a web of digital deceit, I wholeheartedly offer this endorsement: With Fast Swift Cyber Services by your side, no obstacle is insurmountable and no loss irreversible. In an uncertain world, they stand as a fortress of integrity and justice, illuminating the path toward recovery for all searching for relief from adversity. For those seeking assistance, reach out to them—you won’t be disappointed.


    Email: fastswift @ cyberservices . com
    Telephone: +1 970-900-0938
    WhatsApp: +1 401 219-5530

    emilia hannah
  • In the fast-paced and often treacherous realm of the digital age, where promises of swift riches and effortless profits frequently mask insidious deception, I found myself trapped in a web of fraud after encountering Fast Swift Cyber Services —a true beacon of hope amidst the chaos of deceitful schemes. My odyssey with Fast Swift Cyber Services began painfully, following a staggering loss of 420,000 that resulted from an encounter with a con artist posing as a crypto investment expert. Captivated by alluring promises of immense returns and financial security for my future, I unwittingly relinquished access to my financial accounts, only to watch helplessly as my savings were mercilessly siphoned away. As the harsh reality of my situation hit me, I embarked on a desperate search for justice. I filed numerous police reports, but the slow grind of bureaucracy offered little comfort in the face of my escalating despair. It felt as though my hard-earned money had vanished into the abyss of online fraud, leaving me bereft of hope—until my vigilant granddaughter introduced me to Fast Swift Cyber Services.

    Fast Swift Cyber Services quickly emerged as a symbol of expertise and integrity in the perilous landscape of Fast Swift Cyber Services. With a remarkable combination of technical skill and steadfast commitment, they took on the daunting challenge of recovering my stolen assets. From our first interaction, their professionalism and empathy shone bright as they patiently guided me through the complex and often intimidating process of asset recovery. Their profound knowledge illuminated the intricacies of the deceit that engulfed me, as they methodically dismantled the web of fraud with precision. The journey was fraught with challenges as we maneuvered through the murky waters of Fast Swift Cyber Services. However, Fast Swift Cyber Services ’s determination never wavered; they tirelessly fought to regain what had been unjustly taken from me. With each painstaking step, I watched in amazement as my lost funds began to reappear, piece by piece, reminiscent of a shattered mosaic being painstakingly rebuilt.

    The impact of Fast Swift Cyber Services efforts extended far beyond mere financial recovery; they exemplified the resilience of the human spirit when faced with adversity. Their actions provided not just a lifeline for those victimized by digital predators but also a fragile beacon of hope in an often dark and punishing landscape. Reflecting on my experience with Fast Swift Cyber Services fills me with deep gratitude and respect. Their unwavering resolve and unmatched expertise have not only restored my financial standing but reinvigorated my faith in humanity. They have reminded me of the power of perseverance—even in the face of overwhelming challenges. To anyone finding themselves ensnared in a web of digital deceit, I wholeheartedly offer this endorsement: With Fast Swift Cyber Services by your side, no obstacle is insurmountable and no loss irreversible. In an uncertain world, they stand as a fortress of integrity and justice, illuminating the path toward recovery for all searching for relief from adversity. For those seeking assistance, reach out to them—you won’t be disappointed.


    Email: fastswift @ cyberservices . com
    Telephone: +1 970-900-0938
    WhatsApp: +1 401 219-5530

    emilia hannah

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